Congratulations to Hannah Miles, Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD candidate in the laboratories of Dr. William Ricke and Dr. Lingjun Li for being awarded a NIH/NIDDK F31 grant for her work titled “The Role of Estrogen Receptor …
Monica Ridlon (Keil Stietz lab) & Alexis Adrian (Ricke lab) awarded GWIS Abstract and Poster Award
Congratulations to Monica Ridlon (Keil Stietz lab Molecular and Environmental Toxicology PhD student) and Alexis Adrian (Ricke lab Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PhD student), for winning 1st place and runner up, respectively, for the UW …
Kegan Skalitzky Awarded 2022 Hilldale Fellowship
Congratulations to Kegan Skalitzky, undergraduate student in the laboratory of Dr. William Ricke, mentored by Dr. Petra Popovics, for her selection as a recipient of the Hilldale Fellowship for 2022! Way to go, Kegan!
Han Zhang Awarded UW Pharmaceutical Sciences Travel Award
Congratulations to Han Zhang, Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD Student in Dr. William Ricke’s laboratory, for being awarded a UW Pharmaceutical Sciences Travel Award to attend the 2022 SBUR Annual Meeting! Great job, Han!
Hannah Miles Awarded UW Pharmaceutical Sciences Travel Award
Congratulations to Hannah Miles, Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD Student in the laboratories of Dr. William Ricke and Dr. Lingjun Li, for being awarded a UW Pharmaceutical Sciences Travel Award! Great job, Hannah!
Hannah Miles Awarded ASMS Graduate Student Travel Award
Congratulations to Hannah Miles, Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD Student in the laboratories of Dr. William Ricke and Dr. Lingjun Li, for being awarded an American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Graduate Student Travel Award for the …
Collegiality Award presented to Dr. Tudor Borza
Dr. Tudor Borza, a urologic oncology surgeon, is one of those people that everyone looks forward to working with because he is a force multiplier, in addition to being kind and compassionate. He arrived on …
Alexis Adrian, UW-Madison Molecular and Pharmacology PhD student in Dr. William Ricke’s laboratory, awarded spot on UW MCP training grant
Congratulations to Alexis Adrian, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PhD student in Dr. William Ricke’s laboratory, for being awarded a spot on the UW-Madison Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology training grant! Great job, Alexis!
Dr. Teresa Liu, Scientist I/K01 Scholar in Dr. William Ricke’s lab, awarded UAB Nathan Schock Pilot/Feasibility Grant award
Congratulations to Dr. Teresa Liu, PhD, Scientist I/K01 Scholar in Dr. William Ricke’s lab, for being awarded a UAB Nathan Schock Pilot/Feasibility Grant Award for her “Mitochondrial Dysfunction Leads to Dysregulation of the Krebs Cycle …
Alexis Adrian, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PhD student in Dr. William Ricke’s laboratory, awarded a 2021 SBUR Trainee Travel Award and selected to give a 10-minute podium presentation
Congratulations to Alexis Adrian, Research Assistant and Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology program PhD student in Dr. William Ricke’s laboratory, for being awarded a 2021 SBUR Trainee Travel award! She was also selected to give a …