Innovative Research.
The Department of Urology at the University of Wisconsin is home to research programs investigating mechanisms of disease, translating discoveries in the laboratory to clinical trials, and making experimental treatments available to our patients with complex and challenging conditions.
The Department had research funding of $5.3 million in FY 2023.
UW Urology was ranked #4 in NIH funding by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research for the 2023 federal fiscal year.
Basic research within the department is augmented by a dense array of research collaborations with investigators from a wide range of scientific disciplines both inside the medical school and on the main campus. Our portfolio of clinical research involves wide-ranging collaborations with other clinical departments. Our efforts in outcomes research and research in medical education continue to expand as do our international outreach and research collaborations.
Financial support for formal research training of medical students, predoctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows is drawn from an array of training grants in which Urology faculty participate.